Friday, August 12, 2016

Is it true that dogs are better than cat?

Do you agree the animal facts that dogs are better than cats always true. If not, see the following reason:

1. There is a reason why we refer to dogs as “man’s best friend,” and it’s because they have a special connection with us that no other animal does. They read our communication cues, look to us for direction, and feel with us (unlike their disdainful, indifferent cousin, the cat).

2. They protect things by their awesome nature, including when they are barely bigger than the teensy kittens they are defending

3. While they may occasionally rub their asses across the carpet right in front of you as though that wasn’t THE RUDEST THING THEY COULD POSSIBLY DO, they immediately regret their indiscretions and will look at you with that adorable face of “I’m sorry, please don’t stop loving me.”

4. Sometimes they want a belly rub and so they turn over as you’re walking over to them, and it’s like some magical magnet that will draw your hand to their tummy.

5. Unlike cats, who often show complete disregard for their owners until food is being taken down from a shelf, dogs will run up to you as you walk in the door because a few hours at work for you is an eternity without their best friend for them.

6. Dogs welcoming soldiers home is literally the most adorable/wonderful/beautiful thing ever. Please direct me to a cat who would ever behave like this after their owner has been at war.

7. Dogs help save endangered animals. Dogs are saving the world, one whale at a time. A black lab mix named Tucker, for example, has been trained to help scientists track killer whales by sniffing for their poop. By studying the whale feces, researchers can see how pollution is affecting certain whale populations.

8. Dogs may prevent people from developing allergies and asthma. Children exposed to "dog dust" may be at a lower risk for developing allergies and asthma later on in life, based on a study in mice. Dog dust seems to contain microbes that influences the number of immune cells in the animal's airway that respond to allergens.

9. Dogs are loyal.

10. Dogs make life worth living, even when we get old.

Other animal facts tiger information for kids
Posted by weirdhorsefacts 

Friday, August 5, 2016

The interesting thing about snakes

Smell the tongue, but not chewing teeth property, the ability to fly in the air is one of the interesting things about snakes.
About 3,000 species of snakes that exist on the planet, of which about 450 species are poisonous. 250 snakes have venom strong enough to can kill.

Anaconda snake is the largest snake (often called python) to 12,3m long, also the smallest snakes are snakes muba -la-half (brahminy blind snake) only 0,9cm long. 

Snakes have two lungs, liver long as the stick, kidneys and intestines are long. A quarter of small anal snakes, scaly tail cover and a piece of bone.

Smell is the most sensitive senses of snakes. We smell the tongue. Thanks to the blade shaped like a fork, snakes can determine the direction of the odor. But without the ability to hear but snakes can sense sound vibrations. Solid very poor eyesight. 

Snakes and pythons have micro-pe Thermal agency on top, help them realize the changes in temperature to 0.002 ° C, making them capable of prey without seeing, even in the dark. All snakes are good swimmers problem. Though no sea snakes and also rarely brings surfaced. We use the oxygen dissolved in the water to breathe. 

Most snakes have teeth, with two rows of two rows in the upper jaw and the lower jaw. But snakes do not chew because the teeth are incurve in. These teeth are very tight bite and hold prey. Only newvenomous snakes have fangs. 

Lower jaw of a flexible solid. Two of the most jaw connected directly to the skull snakes, allowing them to increase the size of the mouth to swallow prey larger than its trunk diameter. A snake can swallow prey with a width of 4 times its width. 

A rattlesnake. (Photo:
Usually once a year, laying solid. Many snake species reproduce by laying eggs. Some species keep a fertilized egg in the body until they hatch and then tongues. Snakes usually choose warm place to lay their eggs. Snake bite teeth broken eggshell to emerge. Solid Snake despite the parents themselves live. Cobra own nest eggs and care.

The sea snake intercourse just once and sperm accumulate large enough for personal use for 10 years. 

Tim snakes can slip between 1 and 1.5 times out of normal position to prey can reach the stomach, because there is a sac surrounding the heart. 

Snakes move by contraction and relaxation of muscles along the body. They do not move fast, about 12 km / h should not be caught up with him.

Some species of snake capable of launching or flying more than 13 meters in the air. In the course of reporter / flying, bending itself into the shape of the solid S. solid majority Chrysopelea fly genus. 

Snakes do not have eyelids. Replace the mi are transparent scales to protect the skin. Solid bed opened his eyes and rolled back itself. If well fed, snakes can sleep all day, even weeks. Sleeping solid winter months. 

Snake venom is made ​​up of many enzymes and proteins. It may be a neurotoxin, or poison the blood.When caught the animal body, snake poison spread rapidly and destroy the nervous system or vascular system. King cobra can kill an elephant with a bite puffs. 

Snake venom is largely overlapping. But some species, such as expansion cobra, the venom can be closer to our positions 1,5 way to over 2m.
Toxic poisonous snakes in the glands located near the eyes. Solid emit toxins that do not cause skin lesions, but can become dangerous to the eyes and open wounds.
Some people die from snake bites every year up to 100,000 people.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Interesting facts about gold can you not know

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exist in the universe. Until now, scientists have made strides in understanding the principles of brain activity, but still a lot of mystery about the control center of this amazing.
The brain has the ability to create consciousness and memory, which allows us to think, create, learn, control emotions and body functions.

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exists in the universe

The brain does not feel pain

Although your brain is the main tool that the body uses to detect and react to pain, but in itself does not have pain receptors. This is why doctors performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness. This helps them avoid critical areas causing brain damage.

So why do you still feel a headache? When people headaches, pain is actually the result of pressure on the blood vessels or nerve tissue around the brain, not the brain itself.

The doctor who performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness.

When awake, the brain generate enough electricity to power a light bulb low

The brain contains about 90 billion nerve cells, continuous operation. When all the nerve cells together can generate enough power for a light bulb.

Brain more powerful supercomputers

If the human brain is a computer, it can perform billions of calculations per second 38,000 and approximately 3,584 terabytes of storage memory. Meanwhile, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world - BlueGene - have the ability to calculate 92,000 billion operations per second and only 8 terabytes of storage. 

The brain can perform 38,000 trillion calculations per second

Divide the left brain / right still unknown

There are many concepts that are often left brain dominant people develop the ability to analyze and logically; right brain dominant people are likely to develop creativity and art. However, this claim has no basis. In fact, all activities are required connectivity between all regions brain.

Nerve cells transmit information to the brain at the speed of 241 km / h

When you touch a hot object, the nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h. Upon receiving the information, the brain transmits information back through motor nerve cells, to your hand to pull it away from hot objects. Motor neurons transmit information at speeds of over 322 km per hour.

The nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h.

When you learn something new, your brain structure changes

When you learn and practice an activity such as swimming or cycling, your brain messages transmitted repeated along certain pathways, this creates new connections. Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new, new thinking or new memories.

Cấu trúc não bạn thay đổi mỗi khi bạn học điều mới
Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new

Lack of oxygen for 5-10 minutes, permanent damage brain

After 5-10 minutes to lack of oxygen, you have the possibility of serious brain damage and incurable. Brain damage occurs after 4 minutes without breathing, then the brain cells begin to die. After 15 minutes of oxygen deprivation, life almost impossible.

Não là bộ phận chứa nhiều chất béo nhất trong cơ thể.
The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body.

60% of the brain is fat

The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body. Fatty acids decisions ability of the brain. To achieve optimum performance, you need to maintain a certain level of fat, if the body does not fall into the risk of high neurological disorders.
Post by weirdhorsefacts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The interesting thing about zebras

Although the image of the zebra graze leisurely on the vast dry grasslands across Africa have become extremely close to a lot of people, but few know is that thanks to the stripes on the body that zebra escaped the pursuit of the blood-sucking insects.
The interesting thing about zebras
Although the image of the zebra graze leisurely on the vast dry grasslands across Africa have become extremely close to a lot of people, but few know is that thanks to the stripes on the body that zebra escaped the pursuit of the blood-sucking insects.

These were "surprised" about the giant panda species
Những điều thú vị về loài ngựa vằn
Zebras live mainly in Africa
Animal zebra group of odd-toed hooves like horses and donkeys. Thanks to this design features zebra can accelerate and run faster on the hard rock terrain.
When the zebras move in packs, the stripes on their body will make the predators can hardly distinguish each individual child to catch.
Especially as each zebras have stripes style and spacing of the stripes on the body is different. In fact, those living farther zebras southern African region, the distance between the stripes will increasingly wider. In addition, the special patterns that zebras can escape the manhunt of the blood-sucking insects.
Although the overall look of the herd, the zebras superficially quite similar, but each vignette stripes on the body of each child are very different and are used to identify like human fingerprints.
Typically, the height of an adult zebra will from 112-147 cm (from the shoulder to the heel). And depending on the species, their weight will be from 175-384 kg. Males have greater than 10% weight compared to children.
In the family horseback Grevy zebras are the largest wild. In the natural environment, the longevity of the zebra is between 20-30 years, even if they were in the zoo, they can live up to 40 years.
Favorite foods are grasses zebra hard and sometimes the leaves, providing nutritious meals 30% of them daily. Zebra can live in each small and family can gather into large flocks.
Although the speed of the zebra (maximum 56 km / h) slower than the other horses, but with strong stamina, we can run distances than the other horse breeds.
When hunted, Zebra will dance along zich zig, an enemy that can hardly leaned forward to sterile. When driven to an impasse, Zebra will not hesitate jumping forward, leaped rocks, even those who are chasing their bite.
Where gathered abundant food source throughout the year such as the Ngorongoro in Tanzania, zebras often settle in one place. And in areas where depleted food sources during the dry season as the Serengeti in Tanzania, zebras families will gather into large flocks migrating to go looking for food sources. Migrant journey and returned to their homeland Serengeti usually lasts 800 km / year.
Water is considered a vital element of the zebra. The oldest horse in the herd will be responsible for commanding the herd moved from this area to other areas, but make sure never to drink away from the area.
In general, the main living zebra in the African region. In it, plain zebras live on the large lawn around the continent. Mountain zebra living on hot dry mountains south Africa like Angola, Namibia and South Africa. Grevy zebra South Africa chose as Kenya and Ethiopia to live.
Especially, zebras usually live together with antelope herd, in order to increase the strength to fight against aggressive predators.
However, now the zebra populations are rapidly declining due to hunting and sports activities zebra skin trade and both victims as habitat encroachment by humans. Even water survival zebra species are also grazing herds of large scale and the demand for water for agricultural irrigation robbed.
Although, in the past 2 centuries, man has made efforts to tame zebras but apparently this effort has not been successful. In ancient Roman times, Grevy's zebra used to be trained to pull the cart.

Interesting facts about horses

To understand human speech, recognize and remember the order of 10 years apart, sleeping while standing three feet, the eyes can see both day and night, not ruminating ... are interesting facts about horses .
Horses are animals wise, very dear human being. Although the relationship between man and horse has from ancient times, but there are still many interesting facts about horses, but not everyone knows.

Sleeping while standing three feet

Horse sleeping habits different from other animals, including humans. Horses often rest in an upright position, the weight put on the forelimbs and hind limbs, the foot rest will relax. According to Dr. Joe Bertone - a medical professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine Horse Western (US) - the horses will just lie down when they feel safe. However, this very short time by body weight is too large will cause pressure on the internal organs of the horse when lying.

Guess the age via tooth

Scientists at the University of Arkansas (USA) said that although not 100% accurate, but by examining the teeth, we can predict the approximate age of a horse without knowing the date of birth.

Born foals usually have four incisors (2 the maxillary, mandibular second one). If not, then they will grow 8 days. 8 weeks later, the horse began to grow teeth and about 8 months old, they grow enough milk teeth. Then baby teeth falling out and to about 2.5 years of age, they will grow permanent incisors. 5 years old, the horse will have enough teeth permanently.

Baby teeth are often lighter, shorter teeth permanently. At 6 years old horses, their front teeth are often concave looks like a small cup and we filled over time.

At about 10 years old, part gum teeth will grow next part laranh Galvayne call. This groove reach half the length of the tooth when 15-year-old horses. Horses usually have 40 teeth male, while only 36 teeth mares.

Đoán tuổi qua răng

There are many words to call

Depending on age and gender, the horse is known by many names in English as follows:

Foal: Horse figure, male or female, under 1 year old.

Nursing foals, from birth until about 5 months, also called Suckling or nursing foal, from 5 to 7 months to begin to eat is called weanling.

Yearling: Horses from 1 to 2 years old, male or female.

Colt: a male child under 4 years old horses.

Filly: children under 4 years old mares.

Gelding: castrated male horse.

Stallion: male horses (not castrated) over 4 years old.

Mare: Horses on a 4-year-old female,

Thoroughbred: Horse racing.

Height is always measured by hand

Horse height measured from the ground to the top of the shoulder peak bone tumors (between the neck and body), common unit of measure is "hand", by ancient human hands or used to measure the width of a horse. Today, a "hand" was about 4 inches long standardized, ie 10,16 cm.

Chiều cao ngựa đo từ đất đến đỉnh xương u đỉnh vai

Visible both day and night

Horses have the largest eyes of the mammalian species, the sides of the eyes should be wide perspective (see) more than 350 °, crystal clear eyes day and night. However, the horse kind of bicolored eyes (dichromatic), that only identify the color spectrum contains no more than two (spectral lights). Thus, the horse can not distinguish red and blue, red spectrum containing the horse show and with blue glaze.

Not ruminants

Horses are herbivores are not ruminant's stomach because it does not have as much to prevent other cattle. However, it can still be cellulosic digestibility. Horses often secrete saliva approximately 20-80 liters per day to aid digestion. The special horse vomiting should not know when poisoning can die easily.

Loyal and intelligent than we think

Ngựa có thể trở thành người bạn chung thủy nhất và lâu bền nhất.
A study published in the journal Animal Behavior Magaztreen said if you kindly to horses, horses can become the most loyal and the most durable. This study also shows that horses can understand the voice of more than previously thought. Our memory is quite good. We remember his face after a long time and distant memory command to 10 years or longer.