Monday, December 5, 2016

The best collection of Vampire bat facts

The best collection of Vampire bat facts as follow that can make you surprise so much

Bats are firmly rooted in Western vampire lore, but only three species, out of some 1100 in the order Chiroptera, actually have a taste for blood. The vampire bats are the only mammals in the world that live on blood alone, and the unique challenges of that diet make them some of the most specialized, fascinating and downright weird animals that nature has to offer.

  • Vampire bats tend to live in colonies in almost completely dark places, such as caves, old wells, hollow trees, and buildings.
  • These creatures are nocturnal and most active in the early night.
  • Vampire bats roost alone, in small groups, or in colonies of thousands.
  • The basic social structure of roosting bats is made of ‘harems’. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever. Female vampire bats form associations with one another that can last for many years.
  • Vampire bats are believed to be the only species of bats in the world to ‘adopt’ another young bat if something happens to the bat’s mother.
  • They are very clean animals that frequently groom themselves as well as other bats.
  • Vampire bats generally fly about one metre off the ground.
  • Like the legendary monster from which they get their name, these small mammals drink the blood of other animals for survival.
  • They feed on blood from sleeping cows, pigs, horses, and birds. Though uncommon, vampire bats occasionally bite humans for blood.
  • Vampire bats have such good eyesight that they may be able to see a cow from a distance of 130 metres.
  • Rather than sucking blood, vampire bats make a small cut with their teeth and then lap up the flowing blood with their tongues.
  • These bats are so light and agile that they are sometimes able to drink blood from an animal for more than 30 minutes without waking it up.
  • They don’t remove enough blood to harm the animal, but their bites can cause nasty infections and disease. That might be one of the most awesome animal facts you had no idea before.
  • Unlike some other species of bats, vampire bats can walk, run, and jump. They have very strong hind legs and a special thumb that helps them take off after feeding.
  • Each night, vampire bats drink about half of their body weight in blood.
  • If they can’t find blood for two nights in a row, they will die. Luckily, female bats can be generous; well-fed bats will often regurgitate blood to share with others in exchange for grooming. Learn more about interesting science facts via our wide range of articles.
  • Vampire bats can actually be quite tame, and even friendly to humans.
  • Owls, eagles and hawks are some of the vampire bat’s main preadators.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

What do you think about dog's dream? what is the dog dreaming about?

Anyone see the dog sleep? i saw him sleep once,and i think he can dream about something. So,if the dog can dream than waht the dog dream about? It's secrets but to day we will talk about it in fact of the day.
Your dog can dream?

Do dogs dream?
Many people believe that dogs do dream. Most dog owners have noticed that at various times during their sleep, some dogs may quiver, make leg twitches or may even growl or snap at some sleep-created phantom, giving the impression that they are dreaming about something. At the structural level, the brains of dogs are similar to those of humans. Also, during sleep the brain wave patterns of dogs are similar that of people, and go through the same stages of electrical activity observed in humans, all of which is consistent with the idea that dogs aredreaming. That's one of amazing facts about dogs or dog facts.
What do dogs dream about?

What do dogs dream about funny pictures
Since a dog's brain is more complex and shows the same electrical sequences, it is reasonable to assume that dogs are dreaming, as well. There is also evidence that they dream about common dog activities. This kind of research takes advantage of the fact that there is a special structure in the brainstem (the pons) that keeps all of us from acting out our dreams. When scientists removed or inactivated the part of the brain that suppresses acting out ofdreams in dogs, they observed that they began to move around, despite the fact that electrical recordings of their brains indicated that the dogs were still fast asleep. The dogsonly started to move when the brain entered that stage of sleep associated with dreaming. During the course of a dream episode these dogs actually began to execute the actions that they were performing in their dreams. Thus researchers found that a dreaming pointer may immediately start searching for game and may even go on point, a sleeping Springer Spaniel may flush an imaginary bird in his dreams, while a dreaming Doberman pincher may pick a fight with a dream burglar. Dog sleep is similar to human sleep in other ways. Dogs probably have nightmares, just as humans do.
Now we get more imformation about the dogs,if you want to take more knowleges don't forget my blog. Many thing imformations here for you about horses,dogs,cat,human,....

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Awesome horse facts for kids

Awesome horse facts for kids with their funny pics are in the below article. Reading on to know about them.

  • The Przewalski’s horse is the only truly wild horse species still in existence. The only wild population is in Mongolia. There are however numerous populations across the world of feral horses e.g. mustangs in North America.
  • Horses use their ears, eyes and nostrils to express their mood. They also communicate their feelings through facial expressions.
  • It is extremely unlikely to see all horses in a herd lying down simultaneously. This is because at least one horse will stand as a look-out in order to be able to alert the others of any potential dangers.
  • Horses have near 360 degree vision. They do however have blind spots directly in front and behind them. It is extremely dangerous to stand behind a horse as they are liable to kick out if they get scared by anything as kicking out is their way of defending themselves.
  • Horses use a range of different vocalisations to communicate. Whinnying and neighing sounds are elicited when horses meet or leave each other. Stallions (adult male horses) perform loud roars as mating calls, and all horses will use snorts to alert others of potential danger. Mares (adult female horses) use deep smooth sounds, whickering, when they are nursing a foal (infant horse). Learn all interesting facts you wanted right here.
  • Horses and other equines have better senses of smell and hearing than humans. Their ears can turn in different directions to aid their hearing.
  • Horses are undeniably clever animals. Beyond being proficient at relatively simple learning tasks, they are also recognised as having the capacity to solve advanced cognitive challenges involving categorisation learning and a degree of concept formation.
  • The horse is one of the 12 Chinese signs of the zodiac. Anyone born in the year of the horse is seen to embody the characteristics of the animal, namely intelligence, independence and a free-spirit.
  • Equine assisted therapy is a growing field where horses help people with a wide range of mental health issues. A relationship between the patient and the horse develops and allows the person to engage with nature through a beautiful and peaceful animal. This aids in building trust, respect, compassion, communication and self-confidence. The skills learned through building a meaningful relationship with the horse are transferable to other aspects of the individual’s life.
  • A quote from the Koran states: ‘Horse, thou art truly a creature without equal, for thou fliest without wings and conquerest without sword.’
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

World Series quick facts you had no idea about

Since Major League Baseball's World Series gets underway, it would be better to know about this baseball’s championship matches. This can prod you to watch and support after having a closer look at 10 World Series quick facts you had no idea about. Factoflife

1. Championship Game Predates World Series
Prior to the first World Series in 1903 and from 1884-1890, an Exhibition Series occurred between the champions of the National League and the American Association (a rival association that folded in 1891). The event was disorganized and thrown together by the teams themselves. Sometimes the Series lasted three games and others as many as 15. When the American Association dissolved, the National League continued as the only league.

2. Only one “world champion” team didn’t come from the United States.
Despite the competition’s all-inclusive name, only one team not based in the United States has won the World Series: the Toronto Blue Jays, victors in both 1992 and 1993. Only one other international team—the now-defunct Montreal Expos—has ever even played in the major leagues, though they never appeared in the Fall Classic. Though there are talks of expanding into Mexico or other nearby countries (travel time makes a truly international sport difficult), an American “world champion” is a virtual guarantee for now.

3. Only One No-Hitter
It is the fact that Yankees’ pitcher Don Larsen recorded the only no-hitter (in this case a perfect game) in World Series history during Game 5 of the 1956 Series.

4. Most Consecutive Scoreless Innings Pitched was 33
With 33 consecutive scoreless innings pitched, Whitey Ford holds the World Series record. Previously, the record holder was Babe Ruth, who pitched 29 2/3.

5. World Series was Cancelled Twice
The player’s strike in 1994 cancelled that year’s Fall Classic, while a rivalry between the Boston Pilgrims and the New York Giants ended the 1904 Series. During World War II, the Series continued, however many of the best players fought overseas and were missing from the games. In 1943, the New York Yankees won the Series without Hall of Famers Joe DiMaggio, Phil Rizzuto, and Red Ruffing.

6. First Pinch-Hit Home Run was in 1947
Yogi Berra hit the first pinch-hit home run in World Series history in Game 3 of the 1947 World Series against the Dodgers’ pitcher, Ralph Branca. The Yankees lost the game, but won the Series in seven games.

7. Managers with 7 Wins had the Most in a World Series
Former Yankee managers, Joe McCarthy and Casey Stengel, set the record with each winning seven World Series games during their managerial careers.

Check out amazing tiger facts for kids and baby giraffe

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Interesting hamster facts

Hamsters are adorable rodents. They are often kept as pets. They are known for their small body, stubby legs, short tails, and small ears. Let’s find out interesting hamster facts to know more about this little cute creature, about hamster habitat, baby hamsters, hamster breeds, dwarf hamsters, Syrian hamsters, hamster cages, or hamster toys. Factoflife

Fact #1

Hamsters are crepuscular sleepers. This means that they won’t be awake during the day or the night but rather, during the morning and evening.

Fact #2

Hamsters are omnivores.

Fact #3

Hamsters have a lot of babies. They have been known to have about 24 babies at a time. That’s hard labor.

Fact #4

Hamsters can eat seeds, grains, grasses, and even insects.

Fact #5

Not all hamsters are small. And though some hamsters are as small as 2-4 inches, the largest ones are approximately 13 inches long.

Fact #6

There are only 5 species of hamster that are adopted as pets, pet hamster. While there are 24 species of hamster in known existence, only 5 of them are available in pet stores. The species available are Roborovski (Robo Hamsters), Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters, Chinese Hamsters, Syrian Hamsters, and Russian Dwarf Winter White Hamsters.

Fact #7

Syrian hamsters have a high tolerance to alcohol. Syrian hamsters store fruit in their cheeks for such a long periods of time that the fruit is fermented by the time the hamster eats it.


Pet hamsters need big wheels to run on. If the wheel is too small, it can give the hamster back problems and even arthritis. Hamsters will refuse to use a wheel that is too small for them and can become too inactive which will cause health problems.

Fact #9

Hamsters have terrible eyes. When they are born, they can’t see at all, but even after the two weeks it takes to receive their sight it isn’t very good. Hamsters are colorblind and nearsighted.

Fact #10

Hamsters are good burrowers. Hamsters burrow into the ground for their shelter; they dig holes about a meter deep and make several rooms within their underground homes.

Check out amazing animals facts, tiger facts, baby giraffe

Monday, October 24, 2016

Interesting and cool horse facts for kids

The horse is one of the two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. It is an odd-toed ungulate mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. Let's find out more about this mammal through our collection of horse facts for kids to know more about horse information, hore care, horse training, breeding, horse anatomy, miniature horses, appaloosa horses. Factoflife

Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.


Horses can run shortly after birth.


Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years.


A 19th century horse named ‘Old Billy’ is said to have lived 62 years.


Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton.


Horses have been domesticated for over 5000 years.


Horses are herbivores (plant eaters).


Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land.


Because horse’s eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time.


You can generally tell the difference between a male and a female horse by their number of teeth: males have 40 while females have 36 (but honestly, most us are going to use the much “easier” way).

Check out amazing facts about animals, tiger facts for kids and baby giraffe

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How many facts did you know about dogs?

Beside horse facts, do you want to enjoy some other animal facts? Check out some of these interesting and far-out facts about dogs with their funny pics

1. You can lower your blood pressure just by petting your pup!

2. Corgi is Welsh for “dwarf dog.”

3. The reason dogs curl up is because of an age-old instinct to keep themselves warm and to protect vital organs while they sleep.

4. Anything smelly your dog rolls in only smells gross to you—to them it’s DIVINE.

5. Dogs have wet noses because it helps to absorb scent chemicals.


6. If you leave your dog a piece of clothing that smells like you, the scent will comfort them and it can help curb their separation anxiety.


7. The basenji is the only breed of dog that can’t bark, but they can yodel!

8. When dogs poop, they prefer to do it in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field.

9. If a guy has a dog with him, he’s three times more likely to get a girl’s phone number.

10. Dogs’ sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than humans’.

Check out for more amazing, cool, weird, crazy, funny, random interesting facts, facts of life, interesting science facts and fun fact of the day.