1. There is a reason why we refer to dogs as “man’s best friend,” and it’s because they have a special connection with us that no other animal does. They read our communication cues, look to us for direction, and feel with us (unlike their disdainful, indifferent cousin, the cat).
2. They protect things by their awesome nature, including when they are barely bigger than the teensy kittens they are defending
3. While they may occasionally rub their asses across the carpet right in front of you as though that wasn’t THE RUDEST THING THEY COULD POSSIBLY DO, they immediately regret their indiscretions and will look at you with that adorable face of “I’m sorry, please don’t stop loving me.”
4. Sometimes they want a belly rub and so they turn over as you’re walking over to them, and it’s like some magical magnet that will draw your hand to their tummy.
5. Unlike cats, who often show complete disregard for their owners until food is being taken down from a shelf, dogs will run up to you as you walk in the door because a few hours at work for you is an eternity without their best friend for them.
6. Dogs welcoming soldiers home is literally the most adorable/wonderful/beautiful thing ever. Please direct me to a cat who would ever behave like this after their owner has been at war.
7. Dogs help save endangered animals. Dogs are saving the world, one whale at a time. A black lab mix named Tucker, for example, has been trained to help scientists track killer whales by sniffing for their poop. By studying the whale feces, researchers can see how pollution is affecting certain whale populations.
8. Dogs may prevent people from developing allergies and asthma. Children exposed to "dog dust" may be at a lower risk for developing allergies and asthma later on in life, based on a study in mice. Dog dust seems to contain microbes that influences the number of immune cells in the animal's airway that respond to allergens.
9. Dogs are loyal.
10. Dogs make life worth living, even when we get old.
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